Permanent exhibitions
If your intention is to have direct contact with the works of art of Curatella Manes, below we provide a list where you can find permanent exhibitions of his work:
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes [National Museum of Fine Arts] – Buenos Aires
Av. del Libertador 1473 – Tel. 54-11-4803-4691 / 8817
In the hallway of the museum you will find: "La Danza" ["The Dance"] and "Rugby", two excellent examples of the period of open sculptures. In the exhibit rooms on the first floor there are works from the 1920´s. Among them you will find: "El Guitarrista" ["The Guitarist"], "El Acordeonista" ["The Acordionist"], and "Mujer del Tapado Grueso" [omand of the Tbick Coat"], "Los Acróbatas" ["The Acrobats"], “El Idilio Criollo” ["The Creole Idyll"] and "Las Tres Gracias" ["The Tbree Graces"].
MALBA- Museo de Arte Latino Americano de Buenos Aires.
Av. Figueroa Alcorta 3415.
"El Guitarrista" ["The Guitarist"] and Acordeonista" ["The Acordionist"].
Museo de Arte Moderno [Museum f Modern Art] – Buenos Aires
Av. San Juan 350 – Tel. 54-11-4361-1121
At this museum you will be able to enjoy a wonderful nude from the year 1924: "Ninfa Acostada" ["Lying Nimpb"] and "Construcción Espacial" ["Spatial Construction"].
Teatro Municipal General San Martín [Municipal Theatre General an Martin] – Buenos Aires
Av. Corrientes 1530 – Tel. 54-11-4374-1250
In the entrance hallway, on Sarmiento street, there is a brass sculpture: "Los Acróbatas" ["The Acrobats"].
On the lateral walls of the theatre, there are two high reliefs: "El Drama" ["Drama"] and "La Comedia" ["Comedy"].
Museo Provincial Caraffa [Caraffa Provincial Museum] – Córdoba
Here you will find one of the last works of Curatella Manes, "Piedra Lunar" ["Moon Stone"] completed in 1958, and made in white cement.
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez [Provncial Museum of Fine Arts Rosa Galisteo de Rodrigez] – Santa Fe
This museum owns a magnificent piece designed Turing World War Two, which is part of a series based on the forms of the Estructura Madre [Mother Structure]. It is "Proyección VIII" made in marble.
Museo de Arte Moderno de París [Muesum of Modern Art of Paris]- France
Part of the museum’s collection are: "El Guitarrista" ["The Guitarist"], "Torso Femenino" ["Feminine Torso"] and a draft of "Tierra Argentina" ["Argentine Land"].
Calvaresi - Buenos Aires
Defensa 1136 Tel. 54-11-2000-4379/54-11-5164-1691
Galería Zurbarán [Zurbarán Galiery]- Buenos Aires
Cerrito 1522 Tel. 54-11-4815-1556
Colección Alvear de Zurbarán [Alvear de Zurarán Collection] – Buenos Aires
Alvear 1658 Tel. 54-11-4811-3004